
Welcome to my personal website!

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Data Science Institute, working at the intersection of deep learning and high-energy physics. My current project centers around designing Transformers, the Large Language Models that have powered much of the recent AI revolution, to compute scattering amplitudes in N=4 Planar Yang-Mills Theory, together with Kyle Cranmer, Lance Dixon (SLAC), Francois Charton (Meta), Matthias Wilhelm (Niels Bohr Institute), and a few other talented postdoctoral researchers working with these PIs.

My research interests are broad, but generally center around “AI4Science” research- specifically, developing bespoke machine learning models to extract meaningful representations of specialized scientific data. In particular, I find myself drawn to the very broad notion of “representation learning” that is, exploring and exploiting the structure of the complex feature landscapes that models learn in order to further scientific inquiry.

Some of my earliest research work as an undergraduate involved developing early convolutional neural networks (well before the advent of the wonderful ML frameworks we have today!) to differentiate between top-associated Higgs production and some of its more pernicious backgrounds in hadron collider environments.

As a graduate student, I worked on CERN’s ATLAS experiment, where I played a key role in the discovery of top-associated Higgs production, one of the flagship results of the Large Hadron Collider’s second run.

Immediately after graduate school, I spent a little over a year working at Intelinair, where I developed self-supervised vision transformer models for agricultural remote sensing applications.

When I’m not building machine learning models, I enjoy gardening, playing the banjo, announcing my friends’ roller derby bouts, cryptic crosswords, and hanging out with my partner, the poet A.M. Goodhart and Molly Grue, our horrible, no-good, very bad dog.

For more info, please contact me via email!